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Calling all talented ‘05 and ‘06’s!

In an effort to identify the top future talent in Sweden, we are putting together a minicamp for those born 2005 and 2006

Due to the lack of games to evaluate this year and a large interest from younger players, we are introducing a Junior Talent I.D. Camp for experienced players* born in ‘05 and ‘06

In this two-day event, players will go through physical testing, drills, competitive situations, and full-court 5-on-5 games. As a part of the experience, each player will receive an evaluation including both strengths and areas for improvement to help them develop toward competing for recruiting opportunities. 

Sign up today!

* experienced players = you have played for more than two seasons on a level 2 (or higher) team and consider yourself one of the top talent on your team. You should be used to practicing extra outside of regular team practice.

The facts

In the camp, you will go through:
  • drill work
  • combine-style physical testing
  • inspirational speakers
  • competitive scenarios
  • full 5v5 games (will be live streamed via solidsport)
  • award ceremony
Coaches will include
Justin Berry, The Basketball Embassy, Texas (USA)
Anders Härd, Thread Sports
Chioma Nnamaka, Luleå Basket
Michell Rocque, Stockholm

1 day - 350 kr
2 days - 500 kr

No payment needed until
you are accepted to the event.

Application has been closed for this year.